
Event Info

New dates coming soon
9am - 9.45am
Online - FREE

Free, online meditative doodling for all levels.

Only 30-45 minutes

Try something new from the comfort of your own home.

Enjoy learning and experiencing mindfulness and relaxation tools and techniques through doodling.

Join me for 2-3 short doodling sessions within our 45 minutes together that is all about flow, letting go of the need to create a product as we bring together themes of curiosity and wonder, moving into the unknown of the drawing experience.

You'll be lead on a meditative journey with gentle music by a qualified Meditation Facilitator.

As a meditation facilitator and artist, I found flow doodling is such a great way to calm the mind and relax the body and connect with heart.

I use it help me get ready to hear the quiet whispering of the heart and the call of inspiration.

Take a peep at this short video at what we do in flow doodling...

Try it out

Try out a couple of full flow doodling videos in real time with the June group. Each video contains a different activity that focuses on different skills, awareness and insight.

Flow doodling warm up

Draw along with our wonderful group of creatives who played with making marks in deliberate and conscious ways using, both hands and crossing our mid-line. By getting both sides of our brain working while our 'thinking'  parts took a break, we were able to produce interesting and spontaneous designs without a plan as we released the need to create a product. 

Flow doodling creating breath spirals

Draw along with the June group of flow doodlers as we practiced connecting our body, in the form of the breath to our hand. This activity is less about the eye and how we see things and more about how we feel them. Each breath becomes a part of the page through our hand and marker. In this way, we give ourselves opportunities to grow our awareness of the body, of the breath and tune into how we can express it on the page. After we had created our breath spirals, the group expressed their delight as we shaded various parts of our cool designs to create yet another artistic creation. Letting layer upon layer build the joy in each piece. 

This intuitive process was part of our group flow doodling sessions. Connect with your creative side, relax a little more and share your experiences with like minded people. Offered each month, free of charge. To join, simply register your spot by following the instructions below.

Book your place

To register your place and receive your link to participate, fill out your details in the shop for this free event.

You'll receive a confirmation email from me and the link at a time closer to the event.

Microsoft Teams is required to participate.

Supplies needed are paper, pencils or markers in your favourite colours.

Optional supplies : You may want to create flow with paints, brushes, feathers - whatever you fancy.

Read what Martyna J said about her experience with Flow Doodling.

I was the most relaxed I'd been in ages!

If you're looking for something a bit different in your meditation toolbox or wanting to add meditation and mindfulness to your life, try flow doodling.

If you’re interested in ways to become more aware of your feelings and make deeper connections within, come along to my More Than Mindfulness classes. Offered each week, in person in the Perth metro area.

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