Honest Conversations

I’m just finishing a book by Mark Manson, titled The Subtle Art of not Giving a Fu*k and I’m loving it.

It’s all about not taking things personally and as an artist, I know this can be such a stumbling block for many of us.

One part of a small chapter had real gravity for me...

Honest Conversations

We yearn for them, with others, with loved ones – with ourselves.

It got me reflecting on just how hard those honest conversations are. They require a certain amount of genuine vulnerability to bear one’s soul to another at the risk of it not being received.

I started to question the conversation I have with my creativity, my art process.

How honest is it?

How much of myself am I really offering up?

How vulnerable am I being in my sharing?

Am I facilitating a true and meaningful conversation with the viewer or am I just dumping my stuff, yelling and shouting and not allowing a response?

Am I hiding in my work, not extending myself, staying within the familiar and not opening up?

My art is just a conversation, with myself and with others who may come across my work but…

I decide how honestly that conversation starts

I’ve learned that we can only start honest conversations through authentic expression. It’s then up to others to respond. Some will return the honesty, engage with our work, be moved by our vulnerability and expression and be changed by it. And of course, others will not.

None of it is personal but without starting honestly, it’s hard for any genuine conversation to follow.

I’m constantly working at offering up these honest conversations through my art and even though there may be lots of responses that look like rejection, the truth is that honest conversations look different to each of us as we carve a path for our journey.

As artists, the more we can embrace our own vulnerability, move towards open and authentic expression and risk starting honest conversations with our work, the more we open the door for others to be genuine in their own expression.

If you'd like to experience more authenticity with your work, try coaching with Janet or join her in weekly, group More than Mindfulness classes.