Great Art Takes Time

Spring is such a vibrant season, bringing with it warming qualities of new life, hope and potential. This autumn, felt like an opportunity to take stock, digest the learnings from the spring and summer and plant seeds of something special or a goal to work on over winter. I call it autumn planting even if I’m not gardening as such.

I’m lucky to live in a mild climate where plants that are planted in the autumn are able to grow a little. The magic is in the root system.

I’ve noticed plants develop a bigger root system under the ground but with very little obvious growth above the ground. This continues slowly over winter. However, at the onset of spring, the warming temperatures activate the plant with it’s developed root system and it bursts into life! Taking off as some might say, growing at a pace that exceeds others planted in the spring.

I notice this with my art. I can be working on something for weeks or months, painting away, feeling like I’m not really getting anywhere but then it all comes together and bursts out! For others who don’t see the weeks and months of work, just like the root system developing on the plant, they can often think that the result has just happened, been easy or didn’t require much work when the opposite is true.

I’ve caught myself doing this. I see another artist produce amazing work seemingly overnight and instead of celebrating that achievement with the artist, I let it feed my own inadequacies. I forget the work that goes into amazing art and judge myself as ‘no good’ or ‘a poor artist’. It’s when I keep adding to my growth one step at a time that the best outcomes become possible.

Great art takes time and with it, patience!

Take a moment to acknowledge the little things you do that contribute to your creative works, it might be setting a schedule, doing a colour swatch, taking pictures of inspiring natural things, priming a canvas or board, finishing edges and more. Every little thing adds to our creative work, is not wasted (there is always a lesson within) and is part of the process.

Some artworks need time behind the scenes or under the surface and from my experience, I do them the best service when I allow the work to unfold.

Let your creative root system grow and know that spring will come!

We all know that art takes as long as it takes but a reminder every now and then can really hit the spot. So next time you’re feeling a little disheartened, keep your chin up and know that spring is just around the corner.