Welcome to Mindful Creativity

Activities, exercises and suggestions to help you slow down, calm the thinker, relax the body and engage the heart.

Hi and Welcome to Mindful Creativity!

Creativity is such an evolving quality. In my own journey, I’m learning how to let go of the mental barriers, perfectionism and self-expectations and as a result I’m finding that my natural creativity is coming through. I’m able to express myself more authentically as I continue to grow.

Times where I was stuck, couldn’t get started, didn’t know how to continue with a piece or didn’t know when to finish, I reached for simple mindful and meditative tools I learned as a Meditation Facilitator.

And that’s what you’ll find in this section of the blog; tools and tips that I learned as a Meditation Facilitator such as meditative doodling and drawing, creative visualisations, body scans and muscle relaxation meditations. We’ll also explore how we can bring this to our artwork and lives.

Here is a little sample of a creative visualisation of a setting sun over the ocean.

Click on the image to go to a short video clip

Enjoy the full Setting Sun Meditation experience.

For those who would like to learn how to meditate in an online or in- person class with me, you can register your interest for the next student intake by adding 'learn to meditate' in the subject line of my contact form, check in with what's offered on my events page or stay up to date with new events, posts, artworks and more by subscribing to my newsletter The Radiant Artist at the bottom of the page.

Try it Out

Never done mindful doodling or drawing before?

Get started with mindful creativity and doodle meditations with my free flow doodling sessions, online and live. No experience necessary. You don't even need to be able to draw!

Go to events for more.

Looking for something deeper? You may want to try out my More than Mindfulness classes held every week and in person, found in the events section.

Stay connected

Subscribe to my newsletter The Radiant Artist to stay up-to-date with all of my new events, workshops, classes, blog posts and more. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and enter your details. You’ll get an email asking for confirmation of who you are and your details are treated with the utmost respect. See my privacy policy for more.