Imagine yourself sitting on a beach in your comfortable chair, facing in the direction of the setting sun. Enjoy this guided video meditation.
Creative visualisation is a meditation technique where you use your imagination to create visual images in your mind. Over the course of my meditation facilitation experience, I’ve learned that creative visualisation is not for everyone.
But I do know that even if you think your imagination isn’t good enough, you’re probably getting more out of it then you think. Rather than focusing closely on the imagery, try working with the sensations and feel as you work with the more sensory aspects of the meditation.
This relaxing meditation is delivered to the sound of rolling waves and soft piano. Perfect for a lunch break reset, to relax before bed or just unwind.
A quick note:
You’ll find that there are no moving images on this video, only a photo still of a setting sun so you can focus on the words spoken, music playing, waves crashing and your experience as you engage with this meditation.
Creative visualisations are a fantastic tool for all sorts of things from manifesting to relaxing but they are not for everyone. Sometimes meditations like body scans, breathing meditations and mindful doodling are better for some people.
Setting Sun Meditation Example
Below is an setting sun meditation example you might like to try. It’s very similar to the video but not a complete transcript. Enjoy!
Imagine sitting on the beach in your comfortable chair. It’s a little before sunset, and you’re facing in the direction of the setting sun.
Notice the temperature of the air around you, imagining a comfortable warmth. Notice the chair you’re sitting in and how well it supports you.
Notice the sounds of the waves. Notice their rhythm. One after another, after another.
Notice your feet in the sand. Feel the cool sand between your toes. Smell the fresh sea air.
Breathe it in and out.
Let’s look out over the ocean, way out towards the horizon line. Let’s lift our eyes a little and take note of any clouds in the sky, or perhaps a seagull flying by.
Now begin to notice the sun in the sky, just above the water. See different shades of red, orange and pink in the sky around it. See it comfortably with your eyes, full and radiant.
Feel the cool ocean air on our warm skin and notice the sun just starting to dip towards the water. The lowest edge, gently touching the horizon, oozing out light over the water. Take note of any tension in our body and let it too, ooze out and soften.
Keeping focus on the sun, we see it slowly dropping into the water. Another bit, and then another, like the water is receiving a shining ball. Our sun is a quarter way below the horizon line. Notice the light fading a little. Notice the brighter colours near the horizon, close to the sun as the larger sky begins to darken.
As the light continues to fade, imagine the red hues lessening and slowly becoming softer orange. Notice how beautiful the colours are, and let them become softer and softer hues. Notice the sun is just a half circle now.
Breathe in and out
As the sun continues to set, notice the sky becoming greyer, slightly darker, then slightly darker again. Imagine your body continuing to relax. Notice that the sun is just about gone.
See the sun drop out of vision, leaving a plane of residual light on the horizon as the ocean darkens and the light fades. Invite yourself to enjoy the stillness of the moment.
Notice the sound of the waves, the sand in your toes, the smell of the air and the chair your sitting in.
Breathe in and out.
When you’re ready, slowly open your eyes.
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