Mindfully doodle your way along a simple figure 8 shape and engage your creative centre. (5 minute video)
Doodling in a mindful and meditative way is a lovely way to unwind, relax, refocus and connect into our hearts. You don’t need to be arty or even know how to draw to enjoy it.
I remember (showing my age) when the telephone was attached to the wall or at least the cord. There was no walking around, finishing off housework or even being out of the house but I do remember a note pad by the phone. It was always covered with doodles, drawings and patterns. Sometimes it hosted some amazing creations, all while talking on the phone or quite often, waiting on hold.
Our lives are so very full these days and we have all sorts of amazing conveniences like phones, that keep us going, so taking time to stop can be really difficult.
I love this simple doodle meditation that takes only 5-6 minutes (includes 1 minute demonstration in video) to do. It engages the senses and I love working with my favourite colours. All you need are a couple of markers and some paper.
People I’ve facilitated these meditations for;
- love how simple they are,
- enjoy doing something relaxing and creative,
- rekindle a love of being creative and often want to get stuck into an art project afterwards.
For others it’s about unwinding while engaging in an activity.
You can doodle along with me as we journey with the breath and our senses in an activity you can do at home.
Figure 8 Flow Doodle Video Transcript
Demonstration – music only
Let’s start, our two colours
Take our first colour at the centre point
Let’s breathe in as we go up breathing down, past the centre
In and out, no stopping
Just go slowly, at the pace of your breath
If it’s all going a bit quick, slow it down, slow your hand down
As we link up our hand and our breath
Breathing in and around, and down and up and around
Not pausing with the breath, tracking over our figure 8
Just letting go of anything that wants the tracking to be perfectly over the first line
Working on your own now
Keep tracking, working on that centre point cross over
Breathing and just allowing your breath to slow down
Allowing the marker to slow down
And on another breath cycle we’re going to bring our pen back to our centre point
And take it off, so in, out and around and off.
Well done. (Turn page to a different orientation)
Let’s take our second colour now
Let’s start again at our centre point
Breathing in and around and back through the centre and around
So our second figure 8 is through the middle of our first
There might be some overlapping
Just allowing our breath to dictate how quickly the pen moves
Allowing it to slow down, allowing our pen to slow
Tracking over the lines
Allow yourself just to work on your work here
In and out, continuous breathing, no pausing
Just taking note of the colour your using
Take a moment to notice any sound that being created by the marker
Take notice where your hand is, is it close to the tip, the middle or end of the marker
Take notice of the pressure you’re using to take hold of your marker, is it light? Are you gripping tightly? or maybe somewhere in the middle?
Continuing to breathe
Bringing yourself into the figure 8
You might even notice the paper wearing thing in the middle at the crossing over point
Continuing to breathe
And on the next breath cycle, in and out, let’s remove our marker off at the centre point
And if you feel to, close your eyes, just for a few moments and let’s now see our figure 8, just one of them as we continue to breathe in, around, crossing over, down and around.
You might want to see that crossing over in your heart space allowing it to flow through with the breath
And when your ready and in your own time, slowly open your eyes.
Learn more about Meditation
If you're interested in learning more about meditation and mindfulness and how it can help you, you may want to try my Learn to Meditate classes or free Flow Doodling found on the Events page. Register your interest by completing the contact form and get notifications about upcoming classes, courses and events by subscribing to my newsletter, The Radiant Artist at the bottom of the page.